
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dream Project is Now Reality!

As the advisor of the Peace through Language Club, I always have opportunities to work with students on creating language learning resources to support our Mission of spreading the love of languages. However, the French Alphabet project has been a project unlike no other.

Here is the Peace through Language Club's Mission statement:

The idea of a cross-collaborative song-writing project was born over a couple years ago. Although at the time we had no idea how to make it happen. We figured that people sell songs all the time on the Internet, so it must be possible for us, too. We had no idea how to make this happen, or how long it'd take or how many hurdles and challenges we'd face along the way. It's been a long road, but all the hard work has finally paid off and we couldn't be happier!

Here is the story of our song fundraiser: "L'alphabet des verbes." If you are curious about the animation for this song, you will have to be patient since it is not ready yet. Please consider buying the song in the meantime!

After years of work on's hardly possible to believe that this is finally a reality! But it really is! Check out or song page here!

Please help the Peace through Language Club by buying our song and by sharing the link to this blog, to our website, and to our song website. We greatly appreciate your help! We will use the funds raised to obtain equipment that will increase our ability to create more free language learning resources for all in order to spread the long of languages! Thank you! Merci! ¡Gracias!

Our song:
Our website:
This blogpost:

We'd like to give a heart-felt thanks to all the wonderful educators on Twitter and Edmodo who have helped with this project along the way. Without your help, support and ideas, it's very possible that this day would have never come. We are forever grateful!!! 

We wish you peace and happy singing!

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